Use of correct FIU colors across the digital portfolio helps us reinforce our brand identity and is essential to ensure we promote a consistent brand experience to our users.
University's official colors
- Blue
HEX: #081E3F
RGB: 8/30/63 - Gold
HEX: #B6862C
RGB: 182/134/44
Additional shades
We created additional shades of the university blue so they can be used throughout the body of a website (this does not include the header, main navigation or footer of a website).
Areas these shades can be used: background colors for different areas of information (i.e. calls to action), link text, hover or on click, icons, etc.
- Blue Shade #1
HEX: #0A254E
- Blue Shade #1
HEX: #0C2B5A
Secondary colors
These secondary colors are used throughout the brand.
- Magenta
HEX: #CC0066
RGB: 204/0/102 - Cyan
RGB: 0/255/255 - White
RGB: 255/255/255 - Bright Gold
RGB: 255/204/0
Only the gradients provided here should be implemented in the brand for consistency. Avoid orange being a prominent color in the bright gold to magenta gradient. Do not use a cyan to magenta gradient. Consider color contrast when using gradients.
Gradients can be used with the following Brand design elements: energy lines and corners.
If you are recreating these design elements for print, social, web or eblasts, please refer to the measurement guidelines..
Neutral colors
These neutral colors can be used for a variety of elements.
Suggested uses:
- Separators, a horizontal divider and background colors to create separation between content areas: light gray and medium gray
- Text color on a light background: dark gray
- Black
HEX: #000000
- Dark gray
HEX: #333333
- White
- Medium gray
HEX: #E6E6E6
- Light gray
HEX: #F4f4f4
Additional guidelines
For more information on images with colored overlays and color combo do's & dont's, check out the Color Guidelines.