Use Featured Content to highlight important information on your site. It is most commonly used to highlight a set of pages internal or external to your website. When listing a set of text links is not enough, Featured Content draws the user's attention with images, icons, interaction and more. This component is great for overview pages or resource pages whose purpose is to entice the user to click through or choose a path forward through your website.


Card Grid

  • panther


    With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

    Link Text

  • Item

    With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

    Link Text

  • Item

    With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

    Link Text

  • Item

    With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

    Link Text

  • Item

    With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

    Link Text

With more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

Content Grid

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    Lorem ipsum

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    Lorem ipsum

  • Label 3

    Lorem ipsum

Icon Link Row (Blue & Magenta)

Nostrud sit commodo culpa mollit nulla cupidatat quis fugiat ea qui reprehenderit. Fugiat cillum incididunt pariatur ea ad do adipisicing dolor fugiat. Sit sint dolor officia sit deserunt nulla ex exercitation minim officia.

Icon Link Row (Gray)

Nostrud sit commodo culpa mollit nulla cupidatat quis fugiat ea qui reprehenderit. Fugiat cillum incididunt pariatur ea ad do adipisicing dolor fugiat. Sit sint dolor officia sit deserunt nulla ex exercitation minim officia.

Icon Link Row (Blue & Cyan)

Nostrud sit commodo culpa mollit nulla cupidatat quis fugiat ea qui reprehenderit. Fugiat cillum incididunt pariatur ea ad do adipisicing dolor fugiat. Sit sint dolor officia sit deserunt nulla ex exercitation minim officia.


Users can now feature photos from events, highlight faculty & staff, and much more in a sleek and compact format. 

Walk on Water

The Uncaging

An FIU Football Game

Thumbnail Grid

Nostrud sit commodo culpa mollit nulla cupidatat quis fugiat ea qui reprehenderit. Fugiat cillum incididunt pariatur ea ad do adipisicing dolor fugiat. Sit sint dolor officia sit deserunt nulla ex exercitation minim officia.